Adidas Owns the reality
Prankster activists the Yes Men performed an elaborate hoax to improve conditions for garment workers in the Adidas supply chain. Staging a shocking runway show at Berlin Fashion Week in January 2023, they use humour and mischief to make the world pay attention to labour and environmental abuses that the massive sportswear brand is trying to hide. This 2024 short documentary shows the background story of why the Yes Men partnered with the Pay Your Workers coalition to urge adidas to take action for the workers in its supply chain.
About the Film
21 minutes, 2024, Germany/Cambodia
Director: Keil Orion Troisi and Igor Vamos
more information
Adidas Owns the Reality screened at festivals throughout 2024 and 2025 and won several prizes including for Best short documentary at the Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival, Best in Festival and LabourStart Award at the Canadian Labor Film Festival and Best Experimental al the Buffalo International Film Festival.
For upcoming screenings check here.
Organise a screening
This film is not meant for festival audiences only. We want it to reach communities and spark off discussions. The full film is available for community screenings around the world in just a few easy steps:
1. Download & check out our screening guide to know where to start.
2. Contact the Yes Men ( for a full length version of the film.
3. Download our flyers to inform people about ongoing cases of wage theft in adidas’ supply chain.
4. Consider combining with our other film about severance theft for a evening filling double bill about the supply chain.